Simular is a Python API you can use to deploy and interact with Ethereum smart contracts and an embedded Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It creates a Python wrapper around production grade Rust based Ethereum APIs making it very fast.

How is it different than Brownie, Ganache, Anvil?

  • It's only an EVM. It doesn't include blocks and mining
  • No HTTP/JSON-RPC. You talk directly to the EVM (and it's fast)
  • Full functionality: account transfers, contract interaction, and more.

The primary motivation for this work is to be able to model smart contract interaction in an Agent Based Modeling environment like Mesa.


  • EVM: run a local version with an in-memory database, or fork db state from a remote node.
  • Snapshot: dump the current state of the EVM to json for future use in pre-populating EVM storage
  • ABI: parse compiled Solidity json files or define a specific set of functions using human-readable notation
  • Contract/Utilities: high-level, user-friendy Python API

Standing on the shoulders of giants...

Thanks to the following projects for making this work possible!